TFHI is a foundation in Thailand managed by Thai people, working with churches and community leaders to help poor, needy and underprivileged people in Thailand and in other countries.

We take a holistic approach in development, seeking to address the needs of people in 4 areas: intellectual, physical, spiritual and social.



TFHI is an foundation with a vision identical to Food for the Hungry International (FHI) organizations in countries all over the world. Our shared vision is:

God called and we responded until physical and spiritual hungers ended worldwide.

We work with churches and community leaders to help poor, needy and underprivileged people in Thailand and in other countries.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.

Matthew 25:35




Blessed Children Communities

Developing the potential of children and their community’s quality of life . Founded in 2007, BCC is an integrated project working with churches, communities and families, seeking to develop the potential of children and their quality of life.

    • BLESSED means bringing God’s blessings to develop the quality of lives physically, spiritually, intellectually and socially.
    • CHILDREN means emphasizing a holistic approach to develop children through the family, namely their fathers, mothers, guardians and other members of their family.
    • COMMUNITIES means utilizing the strengths of community and recognizing that good living conditions will provide the children with a stable environment.

Small Farms Everywhere

A worldwide movement encouraging everyone everywhere to grow something

Small Farms Everywhere is a grassroots movement to encourage everyone, everywhere to grow something.

Family Farm

A local shop + learning center empowering their community’s next generation leaders

A brand new TFHI program in Padeng community seeking to

  • Increase community access to quality local produce
  • Generate innovative jobs for local people
  • Empower the next generation of leaders with skills and understanding of their options for the future

The Family Farm project’s “Padeng Milk” shop has two main character traits:

1. Be a meeting place and learning center

  • Bible study, fellowship & mentorship
  • Language, music & baking classes
  • Family seminars & workshops

2. Create a market for community products

  • Local milk
  • Homemade bakery
  • Traditional handicrafts